A Kōanga Recipe Book | Change of Heart


The Ecology of Nourishing Food, Kay and Bob’s personal journey with food.
Number of Pages:     286 Pages (Soft cover, spiral bound)


This is more than just a recipe book! It’s an introduction to modern society, degenerative disease and how understanding our past can give way to a direction moving forwards with food. Not only will you understand what food will nourish you body, but you’ll gain some serious insight to properly preparing grains, seeds, nuts so your body can best digest them. Fermentation is key for gut health and Change of Heart covers everything: dairy, lactic pickles, sauces, fruit options and drinks. There are loads of children friendly recipes and you’ll be guided through recipes by the season. If you don’t have a garden yet but you’ve been wanting to eat with the seasons, this is the perfect place to start!

If you’ve got a garden growing then you’ll definitely be after some inspiration when you have an overload of courgettes or cucumbers on your hands. An insight into traditional food preparations that are relevant to New Zealand heritage fruits and vegetables of Aotearoa. This is the perfect gardeners companion!

“This book is about recreating ‘culture’, about getting back into relationship with our bodies and our environment. This book is about nourishing food, about the internal as much as the external. This is a very exciting journey… it is our journey!”

-Kay Baxter

Over 400 Recipes!