November Moon Calender

LAST QUARTER 5th November


  • Continue pricking out seedlings and transplanting
  • Mound up earlier planting of potatoes, it’s critical that you either mulch or mound up well to obtain heavy crops and avoid potato worms

Temperate Forest Garden

  • Don’t stress about long grass, it is best to leave it long now to keep disease out of setting fruit.. we’ll cut it later when the soil fungi need feeding.Dig up comfrey root, cut into 3-5 cm pieces and plant into seedling tray to get roots before transplanting into the orchard. If soil conditions are good you can directly plant the pieces of root straight into the ground now.
  • Make sure all the irrigation systems are working well now 
  • Weed  and feed comfrey borders and barriers, pull back kikuyu if this is a kikuyu barrier
  • Final chop and drop of support species pruning before Summer when we want shade
  • Time to set possum trap lines outside fruit tree area to catch roving possums before they damage trees or eat fruit

NEW MOON 13th November


  • Last time to plant comfrey root cuttings
  • Prick out and transplant all seedlings ready to go into the garden 
  • Prepare beds for late spring planting
  • Plant seeds for summer/autumn flowers, sunflowers, zinnias, cosmos, love lies bleeding, nicotiana, gaillardia
  • Plant more corn, beans, courgettes, cucumbers, late tomatoes, lettuce, basil etc
  • Mulch as many of your vege beds as practical, corn, pumpkins, tomatoes, climbing beans  and peppers are easy to mulch, with comfrey, alfalfa, ramial wood chip ( once crops are well away) 

Temperate Forest Garden

  • Check moisture levels under young trees and water where necessary
  • Mulch deciduous orchard areas
  • Time to cut grass one way or another to feed the soil fungi who feed the tree roots in a biological system
  • Time to set possum trap lines outside fruit tree area to catch roving possums before they damage trees or eat fruit


  • Mulch berry fruits and organise netting

FIRST QUARTER 20th November


  • Prick out and transplant seedlings, make sure you have loads of companion flowers going into the vege garden, zinnias, sunflowers, cleome, marigolds, bedding dahlias, cosmos, love lies bleeding, gaillardia
  • Basil, alyssum and classic zinnias are great companions for tomatoes, plant them now
  • Give a regular foliar spray using seaweed, vermi liquid, fish/phyter etc
  • Apply liquid feed such as liquid comfrey, liquid cow manure by watering can to ground under tomatoes, peppers and any other plants needing a boost 
  • Harvesting flowers and herbs for drying
  • Decide how you’re going to manage blight in tomatoes and potatoes. Prevention is more effective than any way of sorting the problem once blight is there. Either do weekly fish and phyter or fish and phyter on the soil monthly and a raw milk spray weekly, or Agrisea seaweed spray weekly, or a copper spray with rain guard to make it last longer when needed 
  • Feed and water asparagus to keep it producing until Christmas


  • You’ll be feasting on asparagus, globe artichokes, Welsh bunching onions, Giant Solomon’s Seal  possibly sea kale and Alpine Strawberries about now.. enjoy 
  • Continue bed prep for new perennial beds,
  • Still time to plan a perennial garden

Temperate Forest Garden

  • Keep up the watering
  • Cut grass 
  • Check for pest problems, and ask what the cause of the problem is so it can be fixed, at least for next season – water, stress, lack of minerals in balance?
  • Watch for breaking branches as early fruit swells, may need to thin fruit or prop up branches especially the Orion peach and Marabella plum
  • Feed citrus to encourage strong healthy growth at this time


  • Remove any unwanted suckers from berry fruit, being sure to leave strongest 6-10 for next year’s fruit

FULL MOON 27th November


  • Foliar feed if necessary all veges with seaweed, fish/phyter, vermi liquid etc
  • Liquid feed ground around any plants that need a boost
  • Plant kumara tupu
  • Plant main crop potatoes onto trenches of wilted  comfrey leaves, 
  • Plant Jerusalem artichokes, Chinese artichokes, yams, yacon
  • More transplanting
  • Mulch any beds that are ready
  • Harvest flowers and herbs and seeds for drying

Temperate Forest Garden

  • Keep watering and watch for pest/disease problems
  • Make sure grass is laid down  to feed fungi and root zone 
  • spread ramial wood chip 
  • Time to look at how you are going to  feed the fungi in the Forest Garden to ensure next years fruit set is a good one.. ramial wood chip mulch and Bone ash or Char and Biochar is the direction we go